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This highly-rated course boasts a 4.7-star-star rating from 7 reviews and has successfully guided 3,056 students in mastering General Health skills. Featuring 7 hour(s) of expert-led content delivered in English, this course offers thorough training to enhance your Social Science expertise. The course details were last updated on December 24, 2024. This coupon code is brought to you by Anonymous.
  • Expired on December 27, 2024
  • Last Update: December 27, 2024
  • Price: 44.99 $ 14.99 $

About This Course

In this fourth edition of my Beyond Healing series, we are going in deep within the brain to look at the causes of brain tension and why more and more people's minds are spinning out of control.

What in the world is happening with our Brains?

Today, more and more people are suffering from depression, anxiety, stress, brain fog, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, brain cancer, epilepsy and other seizure disorders, mental disorders, Parkinson's and other movement disorders, stroke, and others.

The question is WHY? Why are all of these various types of sicknesses increasing?

Always remember that everything has a cause and an effect. If you want to improve the effect you need to address the cause, this is the mistake of most people. They have failed to address the causes of their brain issues.

So I will address the causes in this course and then it is up to you to do something about it or not.

Once you understand the causes, then you can address the issues in time. I will help you by providing simple, easy and effective ways to use pressure points to help relieve tension and stress.

As I said, in this course, we're going in deep, next we'll head down to the stomach and you'll learn how to "reset" your stomach for better health. I have included a detailed healing plan that is easy to follow and achieve by anyone.

And we're not done yet, on to the feet. The feet have an important role to play in restoring our help. Those who work in the service industry are constantly on their feet and tend to ignore this part of the body. So we will revive our feet through a very simple and easy reflexology massage and make you feel in heavenly bliss. The more relaxed your feet are, the more it relaxes your body and helps to activate the healing systems.

So when you incorporate the healing of all three, the Brain, the Stomach and the Feet, you can restore balance to your entire body and enhance your well-being and in time your chronic sickness with be a thing of the past.

And enjoy all of these Bonus Pressure Point Videos too:

Improve Memory and Concentration - Alzheimer, dementia

Bowen Therapy Neck Release with Kyusho

Brain Balancing Points

Pressure Points for Diabetes

Brain Fog

Heart Relaxation Points

Spock Points – for Memory Focus and Strengthening

Reflexology for Tinnitus

Self Adjustment for High Blood Pressure and Vertigo

How to Calm Your Anger with Middle Finger

Join me on this adventure of knowledge and learning and then teach others.

Thank You

Master Ali