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- Expired on January 06, 2025
- Last Update: January 06, 2025
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About This Course
Learn step by step how to build your projects E-Commerce COD website by learning Laravel Framework step by step .
The project E-Commece COD guides you step by step to learn the basic from installation, MVC, routes, controllers, middlewares, request, response, URL, blade to upload and download image, engine search, in order to build your first project.
You will learn everything you need in Laravel sturcture to build your real_projects.
You will learn how to build your first real-project e-commerce websites by learning step by step the most popular php framework in the world, Laravel.
The project E-Commerce COD is the real project that you will learn how to build any website e-commerce for consultant or any companies from , authentication with breeze to setup backend and frontend templates.
- Installation
- Document Object
- Route Controller View
- Laravel Structure
- Blade_Syntax
- Middelware
- Request Responses
- DataBase Migration Model
- CRUD Create Read Update Delete
- Search Engine
- Validation
- Breeze Setup
- Forgot Reset Password
- Template Front End Setup
- Template Back End Setup
- Frontend Segmentation
- Backend Segmentation
- Admin Dashboard Custom
- Manage the content page
- CRUD Categories Frontend Backend.
- CRUD Products Frontend Backend.
- CRUD Orders Frontend Backend.
- CRUD Cart Frontend Backend.
- CRUD Users Frontend Backend.
By the end of the course, you will have all the features you need to build your first e-commerce projects in Laravel.
I hope you will find in this course a tool to build and launch your first project website.
I'm available for any questions .
I'm here to help you as much as I can.
This course helps you starting from scratch all you need is just a computer whatever its features.
The most mportant thing is the first step and working consistenly every day.
If you work hardly you will be an expert web developer in the future.
Search the best place to focus better on this course. The environment is so important to be more productive.
I hope you enjoy with this course. enjoy yourself by learning new things everyday.