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Hi, colic in its strict definition, the term colic means abdominal pain, over the year it has become a broad
term for a variety of conditions that causes the host to exhibit clinical signs of abdominal pain.
Consequently, it's used to refer to condition of widely varying etiologists and severity. To understand these
etiologists, make a diagnosis and initiate appropriate
colic in horses. In its strict definition,
the term colic means abdominal pain. Over the years, it has become a broad term for a variety of conditions that
cause the horse to exhibit colic and signs of abdominal pain Consequently, it's used to refer to condition of widely
varying etiologies and severity. To understand this, etiologists make a diagnosis and initiate appropriate
treatment. Veterinarians must first appreciate the clinically relevant aspect of equine GIT anatomy, the
physiological processes involved in a movement of ingesta and the fluid along the IT tract, the extreme
sensitivity of the horse to the deleterious effect of bacterial endotoxin that normally exhibit within the lumen
of the intestine.
treatment, veterinarian must first appreciate a clinically relevant aspect of acquired GI anatomy.
GI, the physiologic process involved in movement of ingesta and the fluid along the GI tract and the
extreme sensitivity of the host to the deleterious effect of bacterial endotoxin that normally exists
within the lumen of the intestine .GIT Anatomy, hello everybody. The horse is a
monogastric animal with a relatively small stomach capacity 8 to 10 liter that is located on the left side of the
abdomen beneath the very cage The junction of the distal esophagus and the cardiac is functional When we evolve
permitting gas and the fluid to move into the stomach, but not out Consequently condition that in with the normal
movement of gas Abnormal movement of gas and the fluid through the small intestine may result in severe
Dilation and the rupture of the stomach because of its position.
GIT from the ilian the ingesta entered the seacom a lot of blind -
ended fermentation that that is situated baraia mali on the horse
right side extending from the region of the bara lumbar fossa to
the xiphoid cartilage on ventral midline the seacom is four to
five feet 1 .2 to 1 .5 meter long and can out say 27 to 30 liter of
feed and the fluid under the influence of the secal musculature
the ingesta in the seacom is massaged mixed with the
microorganism is capable of digesting silos and eventually
where he burst through the a seco colac omenin into the right
ventral colon the attachment of the seacom to the dorsal body
wall is wide thus minimizing the likelihood where the seacom
can become displaced or twisted on its own the right ventral
colon is the divided into secalations that help mix and retain
blunt fiber until they are digested it's located on the ventral
aspect of the abdomen from the flank region to the ribcage the
ventral colon internet toward the left becoming the sternal
flexure and is in the left ventral colon the left ventral colon
which also is large and circulated past corollary to the left flank
area near the pelvic region the diameter of the colon decrease
markedly and the colon fold back on itself this region which is
called the pelvic flexure is the initial portion of the and
circulated left dorsal colon very simply due to the abrupt
decrease in diameter the junction between the left ventral colon pelvic flexure is the most common location of infections the diameter of the dorsal colon is maximally either at its the aromatic flexure or at the right dorsal colon there are no circulation in the hybrid drift or right portion of the dorsal colon the right dorsal colon is closely attached to the right ventral colon by short fold and to the body wall by tough common mesenteric attachment with the veins of the cecum neither the left ventral nor the left dorsal colon are attached directly to the body wall allowing this portion of the
volume to become displaced or twisting and just moves from the large right dorsal column into the short transverse column which has the emitter of about 10 centimeter and is fixed firmly to the most dorsal aspect of the abdominal cavity by strong short fibrous mesenteric the transverse colon is located cranially to the cranial mesenteric artery finally then just entered the circulated descending colon which is 10 to 12 feet or 3 to 3 .6 meter long